
Submitted by eric on Sun, 02/20/2022 - 00:58

Bordered by five provinces from two regions - the Cordillera Administrative Region's Apayao, Kalinga, and Mountain Province plus Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur, Abra hold a rich history, culture, and wealth of unspoiled natural wonders waiting to be discovered. See the Spanish colonial remnants of Bangued, the stunning rock formations and rivers of San Juan and Tineg, the resident National Living Treasure of San Quintin, and more in this landlocked province.

Section Type
How to get there
location_place_name=&location_address=&location_place_id=ChIJ18jyhptvjjMRbN1UnFCXjbs&location_lat=0&location_lng=0&travel_mode=Air&travel_mode_icon=/sites/default/files/2022-02/how_to_get_there_airport.png&description=<p>Plane to Vigan Airport;</p>
location_place_name=&location_address=&location_place_id=ChIJX9LbtvFbjjMRpaC2Lae69lk&location_lat=0&location_lng=0&travel_mode=Land&travel_mode_icon=/sites/default/files/2022-02/how_to_get_there_bus.png&description=<p>Approx. 64.2 km drive to Bangued, Abra via MacArthur Hwy/Manila N Rd/Manor and Ilocos Sur - Abra Rd</p>
{"place_name": "","address": "","place_id": "ChIJo67CZEdRjjMRBqxbZkMjj74","lat": "17.597344492255","lon": "120.61854955227"}