Dominican Hill Review

Submitted by sandy on Thu, 11/17/2022 - 22:56

Dominican Hill Retreat House, also known as the Diplomat Hotel, is a historical landmark and abandoned structure on a 17-hectare hilltop property. It was originally built in 1911 by American friars from the Dominican Order, In World War II, it was invaded by Japanese soldiers who used it as the last bastion and garrision of the Japanese Imperial Army. In 1973, Diplomat Hotels, Inc. acquired ownership of the property and remodeled it into a hotel. It was abandoned in the 1980s and is currently undergoing renovation, occasionally being used for events and functions. It is also popular for alleged paranormal sightings due to the brutal and violent events that took place within its walls during World War II.

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{"place_name": "","address": "Baguio, Benguet","place_id": "","lat": "16.40410712","lon": "120.5865833"}
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