Magellan's Cross Review

Submitted by tina on Sat, 11/12/2022 - 15:30

Magellan's Cross is the preserved tindalo wooden cross which Ferdinand Magellan planted in the city in 1521. It marks the spot Magellan's Cross where the first Christian Filipinos, Rajah Humabon and Queen Juana and about 400 followers were baptized by built Fr. Pedro Valderama. In 1525 to 1740, the Augustinian priests built and opened a shrine for the cross. A hollow cross of tindalo wood was made to encase the original cross which still stands today.

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{"place_name": "","address": "Cebu City, Cebu","place_id": "","lat": "10.29376316","lon": "123.9019334"}
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