
Submitted by mads on Sun, 02/20/2022 - 00:35

The Philippines' mango capital offers an exciting range of attractions that range from the small to the great. The province is home to the country's smallest plaza, which contains a statue of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the rustic remains of the 18th century Guisi Lighthouse overlooking the Panay Gulf, the towering turbines of the San Lorenzo Wind Farm, which are operational as much as they are a tourist attraction, and the Our Lady of the Philippines Monastery is the only Trappist monastery in the Philippines.

Section Type
How to get there
location_place_name=&location_address=&location_place_id=ChIJsfpobTfmrjMROftOWlw26vk&location_lat=0&location_lng=0&travel_mode=Air&travel_mode_icon=/sites/default/files/2022-02/how_to_get_there_airport.png&description=<p>Plane to Guimaras Airport</p>
{"place_name": "","address": "Guimaras, Philippines","place_id": "ChIJ0SCN80PsrjMR_N5Wa1eJuSQ","lat": "10.599761165412","lon": "122.58900632228"}