Mountain Province

Submitted by eric on Sun, 02/20/2022 - 01:00

The misty mountains and valleys of the Mountain Province have made it a popular destination for those seeking a quiet retreat. Explore the cafes, falls, caves, and ancient hanging coffins of Sagada, learn about the province's tribes in Bontoc Museum or stay in the historical Mount Data in Bauko for a unique, well-rounded experience.

Section Type
How to get there
location_place_name=&location_address=&location_place_id=ChIJW4r840jSjzMRkkY8Q2r9Lfk&location_lat=0&location_lng=0&travel_mode=Land&travel_mode_icon=/sites/default/files/2022-02/how_to_get_there_bus.png&description=<p>Approx. 393 km drive from Quezon City, Metro Manila to Bontoc, Mountain Province via Baguio - La Trinidad - Bontoc Rd/Halsema Highway/Mountain Trail</p>
{"place_name": "","address": "","place_id": "ChIJzQmFXQrcjzMRXDH0kwRkvnA","lat": "17.091002154372","lon": "120.97608832557"}